Welcome from the Dean of
Scranton College
Dean of Scranton CollegePark Ihn-hwi, Ph.D.
In the knowledge-based society that we live in today, we are confronted daily with rapid and dynamic changes. As a result, the times we live in demand a very particular type of professional - one who is capable of exercising flexible and integrated reasoning, stemming from a solid foundation of creativity and the ability to think independently. Scranton College is a new college system designed to foster those elite professionals demanded by our times and those who will have the capacity and dedication to lead our future. To this end, Scranton College has actively developed academic programs that will equip students with a wide range of knowledge and expertise, which will in turn enable our students to become future leaders of our global society. We especially focus on developing each individual student’s potential and aptitude through close communication between faculty members and students, a tutoring program by graduate school students and a mentoring program among students.
We will continue to do our best to provide academic programs that are well-suited to today’s students, and guide them to fulfill the college’s academic mission.