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[8] Exclusive occurrence of photoinduced energy transfer and switching its direction by rectangular π-extension of nanographenes

Tomokazu Umeyama, Takuma Hanaoka, Hiroki Yamada, Yuki Namura, Satoshi Mizuno, Tomoya Ohara, Jinseok Baek, JaeHong Park, Yuta Takano, Kati Stranius, Nikolai V. Tkachenko, Hiroshi Imahori

Chem. Sci. 2019, 10, 6642-6650 Link

[7] Ordered assemblies of Fe3O4 and a donor-acceptor-type π-conjugated polymer in nanoparticles for enhanced photoacoustic and magnetic effects

Thi-Thuy Duong Pham, Young Hun Seo, Dabin Lee, Juran Noh, Jeongwan Chae, Eunah Kang, JaeHong Park, Tae Joo Shin, Sehoon Kim, Juhyun Park

Polymer 2019, 161, 205-213 Link