This course is to survey regional security dynamics of Northeast Asia in the post Cold War ear covering the inter-Korean relations, North Korea`s nuclear issue, a rising China, the US role in Northeast Asia, trilateral relationship between South Korea, Japan and China, historical animosity and increased economic interdependence. The course will not only introduce basic tenets of IR theories, but also examine major events of Northeast Asia since the end of the Cold War. The course is suitable not only for International Cooperation, but also political economies. Most of all the course will accomodate students` desire to learn about Northeast Asia in general.
Republicanism and Political Thought
공화주의/ 정치사상/ 국가
This class aims at learning Republicanism, one of the long traditions of political thought. Republicanism is one of the central concepts that defines the lives of the nation and its citizens from ancient to modern times. It is also the key word that defines the identity of the Republic of Korea as stipulated in Article 1 of our Constitution. Understanding Republican political ideas will help students grow into the right citizen of the republic.
International History of East Asia
동아시아/ 근대/ 비교
The purpose of this course is to make students familiar with major issues in international relations history of East Asian countries, including China, Korea and Japan in modern times, particularly during the period from the opening of China to the Western countries in the 1840s to the Pacific War in the 1940s. The history of Korean international relations will be briefly mentioned when this subject is particularly relevant to the East Asian IH. For foreign students, the course will provide not only a general survey of East Asian IH but also a Korean perspective to this subject. For Korean students who have studied related subjects in the past, this course will offer an opportunity to develop their interest in this field and, hopefully, to correct biased and chauvinistic views on Korean history, which have been imbued throughout their education right up to the present.
Politics and Social Change
시민사회/ 불평등/ 세계화
This course examines seminal theories on social change and explores how these theories can explain various social phenomena and political systems. This course also aims at developing analytical perspectives on important contemporary topics such as inequality, civil society and globalization.