
Current members

Myeong-Yeon Kim

  • 직위

    Graduate Student (Integrated MS & Ph.D)

논문 내역 (ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7702-2684)

  • 1. Ji-Min Woo¶, Myeong-Yeon Kim¶, Ji-Won Song¶, Yoonjin Baeg, Hye-Jin Jo, Sun-Shin Cha*, and Jin-Byung Park*
    "Engineering of a bacterial outer membrane vesicle to a nano-scale reactor for the biodegradation of β-lactam antibiotics" 
    Journal of Biotechnology, Sep 10;356:1-7 (2022)
    2. Bo-Gyeong Jeong¶, Myeong-Yeon Kim¶, Chang-Sook Jeong, Hackwon Do, Jisub Hwang, Jun Hyuck Lee*, and Sun-Shin Cha* 
    "Characterization of the extended substrate spectrum of the class A β-lactamase CESS-1 from Stenotrophomonas sp. and structure-based investigation into its substrate preference "
    International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, accepted (2024)