Insurance & Medical

Group Insurance for International Students

  • Students of Korean Intensive Program in Ewha Language Center (Foreign nationals)
Enrollment Process
  • Students are automatically subscribed to the group insurance without additional process from the beginning of the semester.
Insurance Claim Process after the Accident
  1. STEP 1

    (injury or illness)

  2. STEP 2

    Hospital treatment
    (student pays for the hospital bill)

  3. STEP 3

    Submit insurance claim documents to the insurance company
    (Choose either email or sending files through Kakao Talk)

  4. STEP 4

    Examination of insurance payment by the insurance company.

  5. STEP 5

    Insurance payment

When treating at the hospital, students have to pay the hospital fee first at the expense of the student. The insurance company determines whether or not to pay the insurance money and the amount through examination.

Documents Necessary for Claiming Insurance Money

Documents Necessary for Claiming Insurance Money
Common documents Claim report + Personal data processing agreement(Download on website.),
Copy of your Alien registration card, Copy of your bank book
Outpatient Medical records(It must be included disease code or name), receipt of treatment, Detailed statement of medical expenses
Inpatient Confirmation of hospitalization and discharging. (It must be included disease code or name), Detailed statement of medical expenses, Receipt of treatment, confirmation of surgery(in case of taking surgery)
Prescription receipt of pharmacy (not card receipts)
Death Death: Death certificate, power of attorney, Family relationship certificate, etc. (The person in charge of compensation will contact you after receiving the exact document.)
Cautions All documents for insurance claims are submitted by selecting one of the following methods.
  1. Send it email.
  2. Send the scanned file to Kakao Talk.

The documents submitted vary depending on the individual's accident, so please contact the insurance company below in advance.

You can print out the insurance certificate after logging in to website.

Inquiries (Insurance Company's Contact Information)

Inquiries (Insurance Company's Contact Information)
Website (ID: Passport number, PW: 654321)
Phone, kakaotalk
  • Korean, English Kakao ID: MILEE74
  • Korean, Chinese Kakao ID: ISACHINA
  • Working Time : 10:00~16:00

Please find detailed information on the Insurance guide.

National Health Insurance

International students staying in Korea are obligated to subscribe to the National health insurance from March 1, 2021

  • Eligible Subjects: International students who have been in Korea for six months with General training visa (D-4).
  • Payment Due Date: The contribution for the next month is due by the 25th of the current month(prepayment)
  • Payment method: Automatic transfer, virtual account, visit a financial institution (bank) and pay it in person.
  • Enrollment Procedure: No action is required from students as they are automatically subscribed to health insurance by the NHIS
National Health Insurance Center Inquiry and Consultant
NHIS Customer center
  • Service time: Weekdays(Except weekend & holidays) 9:00am~ 6:00pm
  • 1577-1000 (Korean)
  • 033-811-2000 Foreign languages Consultant(English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Uzbek)

Medical information

Medical information
University Health Service Center
University Health Service Center

University Health Service Center is a comprehensive health care organization established in April 1956 for students for environmental health, hygiene and health education purposes. Students may ask various questions and receive consultation with a specialist or a doctor from the Edae Mokdong Hospital. This is where you can receive an examination when you are sick.
For the sake of student’s health, the service center conducts various services such as vaccinations, patient care, health counseling, clinical pathology such as chest X-ray and other variety of health care services. In addition, you may issue a refer note from the clinic regarding your diagnosis.

Edae Mokdog Hospital
Edae Mokdog Hospital
Edae Seoul Hospital
Edae Seoul Hospital
Shinchon Yonsei Hospital
Shinchon Yonsei Hospital