- Students have to be present for at least 12 days out of total 15 days of class, including Culture Class, to pass(complete) the level.
- Three tardies or early-leaves is equivalent to one absence.
- Attendance will be checked right at the beginning of each class. Students arriving after this time will be marked as late.
- It is regard as tardy if you enter the class by 14:50, and admission after 15:00 is absent.
- It is early leave if you go home after two hours of class.
Completing the Course
- A student who fails to achieve an average grade of 70 cannot complete the course.
- Cheating in the test will result in nullification of the test result.
Guidelines for Classroom Etiquette
- Please do not speak in your native language in class.
- Follow common courtesies in class.
ex) turning off the mobile phone, no-smoking inside, eating food or taking a nap only during break, not recording lessons unless permitted.
- Students who misbehave during lessons or disturb their classmates may not be allowed to re-register for the next semester.