EWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International StudiesEWHA WOMANS UNIVERSITY Graduate School of <br>International Studies


[공지] UPDATED: [GDIS] 2024-2 Semester Comprehensive Evaluation Application (Doctoral/Combined)/ 2024-2 국제학과 박사 종합시험 신청 안내

  • GDIS

[2024-2 Semester Comprehensive  Exam Application (Doctoral/Combined)/ 2024-2 국제학과 박사 종합시험 신청 안내]

*Must read the 2024-2 semester student handbook for detailed information

Doctoral/ M-D Combined


  • Doctoral students who admitted on and after 2016 academic year are required to (be expected to) complete 36 credits and register 3 semesters to apply for comprehensive exam.
  • Combined students are required to (be expected to) complete 60 credits and register 6 semesters to apply for comprehensive exam.
  • NOTE:  Credits should be valid for coursework completion.

Application deadline: October 14th ~ October 21st  14:00 via GDIS Email (gdis@ewha.ac.kr) * 

Submission form: [GSIS 7-2] Application for Comprehensive Exam Screening for Doctoral Program

* Must consult with your (Academic) Advisor and Fill out the 7-2 form

Exam Date: Between November 11th ~ 15th (Tentative) (Updated)

* Exam Date will be assigned from GDIS office by considering the subjects that students applied for the exam and student's timetable.

(NOTE: All students are mandatory to conduct its test in the designated date and time.)

* Students will be assigned for from 1 to maximum 2 courses within a day.

* Date and time for each course will be announced during October.

4. Details: Please refer to the Student Handbook for the detailed guideline on the exam. 

(Please check the changes in red that are effective from Spring 2023 in the below.)

Subject: Doctoral/Combined required course

  1. Students should discuss which courses will be examined with their dissertation advisor and apply for such fields to the department office.
  2. The screening committee will evaluate exams up to 1 subject per student (3 faculties for 3 subjects)

  3. 1. Total 3 courses
  4. 1 course: Required Course from students’ major 
  5. 1 course: Concentration Electives from students’ major 
  6. 1 course: any concentration elective course from students’ major or from other majors in Dept. International Studies (excluding Certificate Program courses)

For each comprehensive exam relating to each of the three courses, a student must choose to answer any two out of the three questions listed. Thus, in total, a student will answer six comprehensive exam questions.

*BUT, the courses that Professor and Department Chair regard not to be suitable for Comprehensive exam purpose cannot be selected as Comprehensive exam course. For example, IS709 Writing and Publishing a Journal Article is not theory-based but skill-based course and so it cannot be selected as Comprehensive exam course. Therefore, please discuss with professors if the course can be selected as Comprehensive exam course in case it is not suitable. 

  1. 2. Exam Schedule:  The Department chair will decide and inform the exam date (2-3 days exam) (Effective from Spring 2023)

  2. 3. If, the courses that Professor and Department Chair regard as not suitable for Comprehensive exam purposes cannot be selected as Comprehensive exam courses.
  3.  ※ e.g. IS709 Writing and Publishing a Journal Article is not theory-based but skill-based course and so it cannot be selected as a Comprehensive exam course.

  4. 4. Students should discuss which courses will be examined with their dissertation advisor, and apply for such fields to the department office. 
  5. The screening committee will evaluate exams up to 1 subject per student (3 faculties for 3 subjects).

+ NOTE: Overlapping of the professors of Required Course & one other subject may be exceptionally accepted if avoidable and approved by the advisor (Effective from Spring 2023). In this case, please consult with GDIS office in advance

5. Exam period 

The exam will be taken during the May and November.

* Re-examination is offered only once to students who have previously failed the comprehensive exam. The schedule for re-examination will be determined by the department chair. 

  1. 6. Exam Format: The comprehensive exam is a written test based on lectures and coursework. The exam questions will be provided by members of the Screening Committee. The exam will be conducted in-class. 2 hours are given for each subject and all 3 subjects will be covered in one (1) day. (Applicable for students admitted on and after 2017) 

+ NOTE: 1 or maximum 2 subjects will be covered in one day (Effective from Spring 2023).

  1. 7. Grading for Exam: The comprehensive exam will be scored with 3 grades: "Distinguished Pass", "Pass", or "Fail". Absence is considered to be non-pass/fail: In exceptional cases based on Ewha University Academic Affairs Regulation Article 5 Clause 2 (Request for Absence of Exam), the Department Chair can designate an alternative exam date.

  2. 8. Re-examination: Re-examination will be allowed only once for non-pass subjects. If a student has more than one failed subject, all re-examinations will be taken at the same time. The schedule for re-examination will be determined by the department chair.

  3. *If a student does not earn the required number of credits after passing the comprehensive exam, then the student shall be considered as not have taken the exam. 
  4. [GSIS 7-2] Application Form for Comprehensive Exam Screening for Doctoral Program 
  5. [GSIS 7-4] Evaluation Form for Ph.D. Comprehensive Exam