ELTEC College of Engineering renamed the College of Engineering. Division of Electronic and Semiconductor Engineering(Semiconductor Engineering) founded.
Jeong-Tae Kim appointed 16th Dean.
Food Science & Engineering renamed Food Science & Biotechnology
Myong-Soo Chung appointed 15th Dean.
Byung-Uk Lee appointed 14th Dean.
Hyesook Lim appointed 13th Dean.
Lee Sang-ho appointed 12th Dean College of Engineering renamed the ELTEC College of Engineering. System reformed to the Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, Division of Software Science and Engineering(Computer Science and Engineeering, Cyber security), Division of Advanced Technology(Electronic and Electrical Enineering, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Food Science and Engineering), and Division of Sustainable Systems Engineering(Climate and Energy Systems Engineering, Environmental Science and Engineering, Architectural and Urban Systems Engineering, Architecture)
PRIME project Launch. WE-UP project Launch.
Chae Ki-joon appointed 11th Dean Chemical Engineering and Materials Science major founded in the Division of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Kim Kwang-ok appointed 10th Dean The Division of Computer & Electronics Engineering divided into Computer Science & Engineering, and Electronics Engineering Departments Partnership program established with Samsung Electronics to nurture software professionals, and the courses for major (Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics Engineering) and non-major students operated
Chae Ki-joon appointed 11th Dean Chemical Engineering and Materials Science major founded in the Division of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Kim Kwang-ok appointed 9th Dean
The Department of Architecture earns the five-year accreditation for its architectural education program Produces the first graduates to complete the in-depth ABEEK program and converts the in-depth ABEEK program to the ABEEK program In-depth engineering education programs of Computer Science & Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Science & Engineering and Food Science & Engineering earns the ABEEK accreditation
Lee Sang-ho appointed 8th Dean In-depth engineering education programs of Computer Science & Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Science & Engineering and Food Science & Engineering earns the ABEEK accreditation The Embedded Software Research Center and the Center for Climate / Environment Change Prediction Research founded as university-affiliated research institutes In-depth engineering education programs of Computer Science & Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Architecture, Environmental Science & Engineering, and Food Science & Engineering earns the ABEEK accreditation
The Division of Information & Communication Engineering renamed the Division of Computer & Electronics Engineering Information & Communication Engineering major renamed Computer Science & Engineering major Information Electronics Engineering major renamed Electronic Engineering major Dedication ceremony for the New Engineering Building of the College of Engineering
Kim Myoung-hee appointed the 7th Dean The Division of Information & Communication Engineering renamed the Division of Information Electronics Engineering Information & Communication Engineering major divided into Computer Science & Engineering major, and Information Electronics Engineering major The Severe Storm Research Center (SSRC) founded as a university-affiliated research institute
The single department system reorganized into the divisional system Computer Science & Engineering major and Information Electronics Engineering major integrated into Computer Science & Engineering major and reorganized into the Division Information & Communication Engineering Architecture major divided into Architecture major and Architectural Engineering major, and reorganized into the Division of Architecture Food Science & Engineering major launched in the College of Engineering The Division of Environmental & Food Science reorganized into Environmental Science & Engineering major and Food Science & Engineering major The ABEEK program launched The Center for Innovation in Engineering Education founded
Shin Yeong-soo appointed 6th Dean
Shin Yeong-soo appointed 5th Dean Architecture major divided into the five-year Architecture and four-year Architectural Engineering majors
Park Seung-soo appointed 4th Dean
Electronics Engineering major renamed Information Electronics Engineering major and Environmental Science & Engineering major renamed Environmental Studies major The College of Engineering combined into a single department The Hynix-Ewha Microelectronics Center (HEMC) founded
Shin Yeong-soo appointed 3rd Dean The system reorganized into two divisions: Computer & Electronics Engineering and Architecture & Environmental Systems The Center for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality founded
Computer Science major renamed Computer Science & Engineering major
Jhee Yoon-kyoo appointed 2nd Dean
Dedication ceremony for Asan Engineering Building of the College of Engineering Lee Ki-ho appointed 1st Dean The College of Engineering founded and the four departments transferred to the College of Engineering The Department of Environmental Science renamed the Department of Environmental Science & Engineering
The Department of Electronics Engineering and the Department of Architecture founded in the College of Natural Science
The Department of Environmental Science founded in the College of Natural Science
The Department of Computer Science founded in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences