
Title: Capitalize First Letter of Each Word (Times New Roman 14 pt bold): 

Name (Times New Roman 12 pt)[*]

Abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract. abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract. abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract abstract (Times New Roman 12 pt)

Keywords: A, B, C, D, E 

  1. 1. Heading A (Times New Roman 12pt bold)

Times New Roman 12 pt. T& I Review is published annually by the Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies (ERITS) of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. T&I Review welcomes contributions not only from seasoned practitioners and scholars, but also from young researchers and educators in the field. It publishes original research-based articles, research notes, literature reviews, commentaries, book reviews, and dissertation abstracts (MA and PhD). To tap into the wisdom and expertise of veteran practitioners, T&I Review also publishes practical articles from practitioners’ reflecting on their professional activities (Lee 2000).

  1. 1.1  Heading B (Times new roman 12pt bold: Leave one line space below.)

T& I Review is published annually by the Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies (ERITS) of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. T&I Review welcomes contributions not only from seasoned practitioners and scholars, but also from young researchers and educators in the field. It publishes original research-based articles, research notes, literature reviews, commentaries, book reviews, and dissertation abstracts (MA and PhD). To tap into the wisdom and expertise of veteran practitioners, T&I Review also publishes practical articles from practitioners’ reflecting on their professional activities. 

  • 1.1.1    Heading c Heading d

 T&I Review[] is published annually by the Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies (ERITS) of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. T&I Review welcomes contributions not only from seasoned practitioners and scholars, but also from young researchers and educators in the field. 

Table 1. Title (Title placed above the table; one line space below)










It publishes original research-based articles, research notes, literature reviews, commentaries, book reviews, and dissertation abstracts (MA and PhD)[]. To tap into the wisdom and expertise of veteran practitioners, T&I Review also publishes practical articles from practitioners’ reflecting on their professional activities. 



Figure1. Title (Title placed below the figure; one line space below)

It publishes original research-based articles, research notes, literature reviews, commentaries, book reviews, and dissertation abstracts (MA and PhD)[]

2. Heading A (Times New Roman 12pt bold)

T& I Review is published annually by the Ewha Research Institute for Translation Studies (ERITS) of the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. T&I Review welcomes contributions not only from seasoned practitioners and scholars, but also from young researchers and educators in the field. It publishes original research-based articles, research notes, literature reviews, commentaries, book reviews, and dissertation abstracts (MA and PhD). To tap into the wisdom and expertise of veteran practitioners, T&I Review also publishes practical articles from practitioners’ reflecting on their professional activities. 

References (Times New Roman 12 pt bold)

Anderson, V. (1991, April). Training teachers to foster active reading strategies in reading-disabled adolescents. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago.

AUSIT (n.d.). AUSIT Guidelines for Health Professionals Working with Interpreters (online) Retrieved from http://www.ausit.org/pics/HealthGuide08.pdf on date month yyyy. 

Freud, S. (1970). An Outline of Psychoanalysis (J. Strachey, Trans.). New York: Norton.

Gile, D. (1994). Methodological aspects of interpretation and translation research. In Lambert, S. and B. Moser-Mercer (eds.), Bridging the Gap: Empirical Research in Simultaneous Interpretation. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 39-56.

Gile, D. (2010). Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training (2nd edn.). Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Hale, S. B. (2007). Community Interpreting. Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.

Lakoff, G. and Johnson, M. (1980). Metaphors We Live By. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. 

Lee, J. (2009a). Conflicting views on court interpreting: examined through surveys of legal professionals and interpreters. Interpreting 11(1): 35-56.

Lee, J. (2009b). Interpreting inexplicit language during courtroom examination. Applied Linguistics 30 (1): 93-114.

Lee, W. (2000). Discourse Analysis. Seoul: Hankukmunhwasa.

Lee, H. (1999). Efficient methods for vocabulary teaching. In Lee, H. (eds.), English Teaching and Learning Methods. Seoul: Hankukmunhwasa, 185-204.

Won, J. (2010). Directionality in Korean-English simultaneous interpreting strategies. Interpreting and Translation 12(1): 131-156.

(English, French: Times New Roman 12pt, Korean: BareunBatangL 10pt, Chinese: SimSun 11pt, Japanese: MS Mincho 11pt)

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