

외국어교육특수대학원 TESOL학과는 영어가 모국어가 아닌 사람들에게 영어를 효과적으로 가르칠 수 있는 영어교육관련 전문가 양성 및 재교육을 목적으로 한다. 초등영어와 연계하여 중, 고등학교의 영어과 교육목표, 교육과정, 수업모형, 지도법 및 평가방법 등을 연구하고, 더 나아가 학교 밖에서 이루어지는 영어교육관련 전문 업무 수행 능력을 함양함으로써 우리나라 영어교육의 질을 높이는데 목적이 있다.


  •  첫째, 민주적이고 독립적인 철학을 기본으로 하여 세계화 시대에 맞는 국제적인 안목을 지니고 국제어로서의 영어의 필요성과 이에 따른 영어교육의 중요성을 분명하게 인식하게 한다. 아울러 영어 교사에게 요구되는 건전한 인성을 계발하고 투철한 교육자적 사명감 및 교직 윤리의식을 강화한다.
  •  둘째, 영어교육 제 분야에 관한 이론과 실제를 겸비한 교사로서 우리 나라 학교교육 현장의 제반 문제를 바르게 평가할 수 있는 비판적 안목을 기르고 수업의 질을 개선하는데 기여할 수 있는 실천적 의지를 함양한다.
  •  셋째, 영어구사능력의 신장과 교과내용에 대한 전문적 지식의 심화를 꾀하고 영어의 각 기능별 지도법, 학습 평가 방법 등에 대한 여러 이론을 탐구하고 이를 교육현장에 창의적으로 적용할 수 있는 능력을 배양한다.
  •  넷째, 영어교사 혹은 영어교육관련 전문가로서 학생들의 영어 능력을 개발시킬 수 있는 학문적 자질을 갖추고 정보화시대에 영어교육에서 요구되는 정보통신 활용능력, 멀티미디어 활용 영어 교수 방법 등 실무능력을 키워 이론과 실습을 강화한다.


교과과정구분, 학수번호, 학점, 교과목명, 교과목기술로 구분된 교과과정 안내 표
구분 학수번호 학점 교과목명 교과목기술
필수 Y41101 3

Introduction to English

Language Learning


This course will introduce the social, political, linguistic and pedagogic issues involved in the teaching of English as a Second/Foreign Language. The focus is on the development of ELT from traditional to communicative approaches, including content-based instruction and task-based learning. Individual learning styles, as well as cross-cultural perspectives and recent research are investigated.

필수 Y41102 3

Teaching and Assessing

Listening Speaking

This course allows English language teachers to learn and apply theoretical foundations of listening and speaking so that they may plan and assess language learning.

필수 Y41103 3

Teaching and Assessing

Reading Writing

This course allows English language teachers to learn and apply theoretical foundations of reading and writing so that they may plan and assess language learning.

선택 Y42104 3

Pedagogical English


This course is designed to assist English language teachers develop and practice pronunciation skills. The course will focus on articulation, intonation, and accent.

필수 Y42105 3

Academic and Research

Writing for TESOL

This course helps English language teachers develop writing skills for TESOL academic writing research. Students analyze authentic TESOL articles; building knowledge of genre and writing strategies used in TESOL and the humanities, and write a portfolio of short TESOL articles based on these genre strategies. A secondary goal is to build knowledge of applied genre analysis.

선택 Y43106 3

Classroom English

Classroom Management

This course is designed to enhance the academic English skills of EFL teachers and the English skills that they require for classroom instruction. Furthermore, this course will investigate aspects of effective classroom management skills and their application.

선택 Y43107 3

Classroom Observation

Supervised Student Teaching

This course provides an opportunity for students to observe principles and approaches as well as teacher-student relationships in authentic classroom settings. With the guidance of mentor teachers, students will be able to conduct practice teaching.

선택 Y43108 3

Educational Linguistics

for Teachers

This course is designed to provide teachers without a linguistics background to build strong foundations in exploring various aspects of language studies.

선택 Y43109 3


Culture Communication

This course will explore the important relationships of language, culture and communication, and the importance of such understanding in language teaching.

선택 Y43110 3

Materials Development &

Technology for EFL Students

The course guides English language teachers to develop, apply and finally assess materials appropriately for EFL contexts. This course will assist many teachers to utilize effective teaching materials in their teaching so that learner needs are met.

선택 Y43111 3

Second Language Acquisition

This course provides a historical overview of second language acquisition and explores the theories in detail. The course also investigates current issues and research related to language teaching.

선택 Y43112 3

Second Language


This course explores various aspects of second language testing and assessment applicable in second language classrooms. Through this course, students will be able to understand and develop valid and reliable tests.

선택 Y43113 3

Teaching English to

Young Learners

This course introduces fundamental principles and approaches related to English language learning and teaching young learners of English.

선택 Y43114 3

Teaching Practica

This course gives students the opportunity to apply language learning and teaching principles and approaches by immersing themselves in real teaching situations. Practice teaching will be conducted under the supervision of faculty members who provide advice about lesson planning, teaching methods and classroom management.

선택 Y43115 3

Introductory Academic Writing

This course familiarizes English language teachers with the basics of academic writing needed to teach their own EAP (English for Academic Purposes)/CBI (Content-Based Instruction) students. The course begins with paragraphs, coherence, and support. It then surveys the most common genre found in undergraduate studies, including process; cause effect; comparison contrast; paraphrasing, summarizing citation; and argumentative essays.

선택 Y43116 3

Teaching Practica for Young Learners

This course gives students the opportunity to apply the theories and principles of teaching English to young learners in real teaching situations. Practice teaching will be conducted under the supervision of faculty members who provide advice about lesson planning, teaching methods and classroom management.

선택 Y43117 3

Classroom Observation

Supervised Student Teaching

for Young Learners

This course will engage students in the theory and practice of teaching English to young learners. The students will have an opportunity to observe and teach in authentic classroom settings with the guidance of a supervisor.

선택 Y43118 3

Bilingualism and English

Language Teaching

This course will examine bilingualism in relation to instruction in the native language, native language development, foreign language learning, and the relationship between the theory and practice of learning and teaching English in bilingual settings, particularly in the Korean context. The topics of subtractive and additive bilingualism will also be addressed

선택 Y43119 3

Advanced Academic Writing and Research in TESOL

This an elective course is for students who have successfully completed Academic Writing and Research in TESOL. Students who wish to pursue further studies upon completion of the MA program are encouraged to enroll.

선택 Y43215 3

Advanced English Language


This course provides opportunities for English language teachers to strengthen their academic and advanced language abilities as English teaching professionals.

선택 Y43216 3


Instruction (CBI)

This course examines theoretical and practical aspects of content-based instruction and immersion models in second language education. Students are provided with the opportunities of teaching various subjects (e.g., math, science, social studies) in English.

선택 Y43217 3

Corpora in TESOL

This course will explore key issues related to the use of language corpora in teaching. Topics include investigating what a corpus is, how to use corpora, and how to build and use a corpus to enhance teaching and learning. Extracts of real language will also be included to give teachers an idea of the value of consulting an online corpus, particularly to teach vocabulary.

선택 Y43218 3

Current Topics in TESOL

This course aims to familiarize students with current issues and topics in TESOL. Through this course, students will be able to develop analytical and critical perspectives of second language teaching as well as discuss various points of view.

선택 Y43219 3

Curriculum Development

in Language Teaching

This course is designed for English language teachers to develop a curriculum appropriate for both teacher and learner’s needs.

선택 Y43220 3

Discourse Analysis

Language Teaching

This course surveys and analyzes different types of discourse in order for language teachers to develop ideas and methods to introduce authentic discourse in second language classrooms.

선택 Y43221 3

English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is teaching professional English for work and university. For example, this includes English for business, medicine, tourism, the service industry, research, science, or engineering. This course covers ESP theory, needs analysis, content-based, task-based, genre-based teaching, and the various needs of professional speaking, listening, reading, writing.

선택 Y43222 3


of Communication

This course examines the ethnography of communication in second language communication and explores such areas as speech types, language styles, and ethnicity.

선택 Y43223 3

Genre and English Teaching

This course explores how English language, with the observation and analysis of various rhetoric styles and discourse types, is used in particular settings.

선택 Y43224 3

Independent Study

With the consent and advice of faculty members, students may undertake individual research work in the TESOL field.

선택 Y43225 3

Teaching English Grammar

This course is designed to provide students with the fundamental pedagogical principles needed to teach English grammar. Students will learn various practical approaches to teaching grammar and survey the high frequency grammatical features of the English language with a focus on common learner difficulties and means of addressing those issues in the language classroom.

선택 Y43226 3

Learner Language Analysis

This course investigates the important aspects of learner language through observation and analysis of discourse data that serves as an important basis for language teaching.

선택 Y43227 3


Language Learning


This course will investigate the uses of multimedia to teach language. By using text, images, audio, video, and animation, learners can acquire English by using it to convey meaning. They can also learn from each other through using technology. Teachers can learn how to use and critically assess multimedia as an instructional tool in the language classroom.

선택 Y43228 3

Research Methods for

Second/Foreign Language

Learning Teaching

This course provides an overview of research methods in language teaching and learning. Students will understand the core concepts of research methods which will assist them in reading research articles and conducting their own research.

선택 Y43229 3

Seminar in TESOL: English for Language Teachers

This class aims to prepare pre- and in-service teachers to use conversation-based teaching approaches in the classroom. Participants will develop and refine their oral expression skills while discussing current issues and developing academic presentation skills, both of which they can transfer to their students.




Teaching Literature and Language

This course aims to integrate literature and language teaching for English language teachers. Through this course, students will learn to develop course materials by using literature as the main resource. Furthermore, extensive reading will be emphasized as the primary teaching methodology as students learn to combine ER along with other foreign language teaching methods such as CLT and TBLT.



3 Design and Production of Teaching Materials for Foreign Language Education
This course involves the use of various tools and programs to design and create instructional media for foreign language education, including smart device-based apps and online platforms.


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3 Portfolio Seminar in TESOL Portfolio Seminar in TESOL


LauraEunaePark 교수 사진

교수진이름, 소속, 최종학위, 연구실, 이메일, 전화번호로 구분된 교수진을 소개하는 표
Name Laura Eunae Park
Position Professor of TESOL Dept. 
  • Institute of Education, University College London (Ph.D.)
  • Ewha Womans University (Ph.D.)
  • California State University (M.A.)
  • Biola University (B.A.)
Office Phone ECC B242
Tel 3277-6914
E-mail eunaelaura@ewha.ac.kr
Candice Aileen MacDonald 교수 사진

교수진이름, 소속, 최종학위, 연구실, 이메일, 전화번호로 구분된 교수진을 소개하는 표
Name Candice Aileen MacDonald
Position Professor of TESOL Dept.
  • University of Ottawa (Ph.D. candidate)
  • University of Ottawa (M.A.)
  • Queen’s University (B.A.)
Office Phone ECC B240
Tel 3277-6912
E-mail candiceaileen@hotmail.com
Deborah Sukyung Chin 교수 사진

교수진이름, 소속, 최종학위, 연구실, 이메일, 전화번호로 구분된 교수진을 소개하는 표
Name Deborah Sukyung Chin
Position Professor of TESOL Dept. Chair of TESOL Dept.
  • Ewha Womans University (Ph.D.)
  • Ewha Womans University (M.A.)
  • Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (B.A.)
Office Phone ECC B240
Tel 3277-4020
E-mail dchin@ewha.ac.kr
David J. Hamilton 교수 사진

교수진이름, 소속, 최종학위, 연구실, 이메일, 전화번호로 구분된 교수진을 소개하는 표
Name David J. Hamilton
Position Professor of TESOL Dept.
  • University of Birmingham, England (M.A.)
  • University of Glasgow, Scotland (M.A.)
  • DELTA, University of Cambridge
  • CELTA, University of Cambridge
Office Phone ECC B119
Tel 3277-6864
E-mail djhamilton@ewha.ac.kr

복수학위 취득제도

TESOL학과는 본교생이 본교 석사학위와 교류대학의 석사학위를 동시에 취득할 수 있는 복수학위 취득제도를 운영하고 있다.

복수학위 운영 대학
  • 미국 The University of Hawaii at Manoa의 Second Language Studies학과