Sometimes when you are physically/psychologically distressed to be severely stressed or unable to sleep properly, you feel like you are separated as if you are watching TV or you are not you, but someone else. Sometimes the world you live in does not feel real, things look blurry or flat, and sounds sometimes feels louder or softer than they really are. If you are having difficulty with everyday life as you continuously and repetitively feel separated from your body, mind and environment, it may be helpful to learn about the depersonalization-derealization disorder.
(* The exact cause is still unknown.)
Experiences and emotions associated with depersonalization-derealization disorder may be difficult to explain. The following symptoms usually appear in when you are in your mid-teens to late-teens or right after come of age, and such symptoms can last for hours, days, weeks or even months.
1. Recognizing and acknowledging depersonalization
It is not easy to accept various symptoms that you feel when you are suffering from depersonalization. However, if you continue to think that ‘these symptoms are dangerous,’ the brain recognizes that you should run away from and be afraid of these symptoms. Although the sensations from depersonalization are uncomfortable, if you think of they are natural, you will be able to control depersonalization disorder, not the other way around.
When you recognize the sense of depersonalization, tell yourself, "this feeling will calm down shortly," and "I feel strange now, but I'm fine." Also, try to remember previous incidents when depersonalization symptoms went away quickly.
2. Focusing on current surroundings
When you feel symptoms of depersonalization-derealization, think of right now, right here.' Take a look around. What’s the current temperature? What are things laying around? Look at the colors of the nature, object and living things. What do you smell? What do you hear? Is anyone talking to you?
3. Getting along with others around you
If you have been talking to someone, try to keep the conversation going again. If you are experiencing symptoms of depersonalization when you are alone, send a simple text to your friends or family and call them. If you are comfortable with it, share it with your friends and family after you experience the symptoms. More people are experiencing these symptoms than you think. However, you do not have to reveal that you are suffering from depersonalization.
Confront negative thoughts.
If you are suffering from depersonalization, you may feel that you are not going to be able to control your thoughts yourself, you are abnormal, your head is spinning, or you are going to fall. A good way to overcome negative thoughts is to say something positive to yourself:
Make time for you to enjoy yourself on purpose.
Write down hobbies that you like and enjoy on a piece of paper! And get one with anything that will reduce your stress. Make time for it on purpose. Do it as often as possible. It can be just a few minutes every day. This is especially good if you are experiencing anxiety or depersonalization.
Take time to exercise regularly.
Exercise helps reduce the sense of unrealism. In addition, exercise increases self-confidence, relieves tension and regulates stress. Plan a short walk or jog every day. If you are not into walking or jogging, look for other physical exercises like yoga or pilates! Ewha Womans University has numerous facilities such as ECC Fitness Center, Fitness Room, Indoor Golf Course, Swimming Pool and Tennis Court.
Get plenty of sleep.
Sleep and anxiety/stress are related to each other. If you do not resolve the anxiety/stress, you will have problems with your sleep and vice versa. Having the proper sleeping habits will help prevent depersonalization and anxiety.
Look for therapist.
If depersonalization affects your everyday life, you need to seek professional help. Consult a professional to decide on what treatment is effective for your condition. The treatments used for depersonalization include:
Another method is to seek help from another clinic if the current treatment is not effective.
Keep a diary of symptoms.
Keeping a diary of your symptoms will be very helpful when you interact with a professional later. Take note of time, place and types of symptoms as well as your feelings and thoughts. As you record, check to see if the symptoms overlap with the symptoms of other mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety.
Take medication as needed.
There are no special medicines that are effective in the treatment of depersonalization. However, keep in mind that a professional can prescribe medication to help with depression or anxiety. If you are provided with medication, do not stop taking it without consulting a professional. And when you take anti-anxiety drugs and antidepressants, please avoid consuming alcohol or other drugs. Finally, be careful not to take more than prescribed.
我们因身心疲倦而感到压力 无法入睡时, 有时就会感觉看自己的样子 就像看电视一样被分离出来,又有时 感觉自己变成了别人, 现在我生活的世界 感觉不是真实的,事物变得模糊又乏味, 声音比实际变得更加的大或者更加小。 像这样我的身体和我的思想 以及环境都分离较远的感觉体验持续及反复,使我的日常生活产生困难的话,对人格解体非现实感(Depersonalization - derealization disorder)的了解或许会有帮助。
想要说明人格解体非现实感障碍及相关经历和情感时相对较难, 以下症状 大部分出现在十岁中后期,或者 刚成年的人身上。像这种人格解体和非现实感症状可能会持续一小时, 一天, 几周, 甚至几个月。
1. 认识并接受人格解体的感觉
在经历人格解体时 要接受各种症状是非常不容易的。 但是如果一直认为“这些症状很危险”的话, 大脑会因这些症状 而意识到要逃避和害怕。 在经历人格解体时 而感受到的感觉尽管会不舒服, 但如果能想的顺其自然的话, 那么人格解体就不会控制你,而是你可以控制人格解体了。
2. 集中周围的现实环境
当出现人格解体非现实症状时, 请想象“此时此刻”。现在周围的温度是多少, 周围有什么事物,大自然, 生命体的色彩是什么样的,又有什么味道,又有什么声音, 谁在跟你讲话等等, 请感受一下。
3. 融入周围人群
如果和某人对话聊天的话,请努力一直聊下去。如果你一个人的时候 产生了人格解体症状的话,就向朋友家人发简短的信息或者打电话。如果你愿意,在产此症状中或结束症状后, 向朋友或家人叙述整个经历。比想象中有更多的人经历过人格解体症状,但是没有必要觉得只有你才会经历这个症状。
1. 深呼吸
2. 直面负面情绪 想法
如果经历人格解体的话, 好像感觉自己无法控制自己的想法, 感觉自己不正常 或者脑子一片空白, 又或者感觉要晕倒。 战胜负面想法很好的办法是 给自己说积极的话
3. 就算是有意的也要去创造一个愉快的活动时间。
平时我喜欢并且享受的兴趣爱好是什么, 在纸上写下来吧! 并且不管是什么 只要能减你的压力, 就算是刻意去做,那也经常去做。 就算一天只有几分钟也好! 特别是 不安感或人格解体产生的话, 非常推荐这个方法。
4. 1. 确定有规律的运动时间。
运动对减少”非现实感”有很大帮助 并且运动刻意提高自信心, 减缓紧张, 调节压力。 每天即使再短也要散个步 或者慢跑, 如果觉得散步 或者慢跑太容易的话 尝试瑜伽或普拉提等运动吧!梨花女子大学有ECC健身房,跑步室, 高尔夫场,游泳馆,网球场等很多健身设施 请供参考
5. 取得充分的睡眠时间
睡眠和不安感/压力紧密相关。 如果没有解决不安/压力的话, 就会产生睡眠问题, 相反也是一样的。 如果保持一个良好的睡眠习惯, 有助于预防人格解体和不安感。
1. 了解治疗师
人格解体对日常生活有很大影响的话 就有必要接受专家的帮助了。 和专家一起商议 你现在的状态适合什么治疗法 才更有效率。 人格解体的治疗有以下几个方法:
如果你现在进行就诊的医院的治疗没有效果的话 转院可能是比较好的方法。
2. 写症状日记
每当出现人格解体症状时 如果写在日记上, 以后见专家时有很大帮助。 什么时候 在哪里产生什么症状, 有什么感觉 什么想法, 都尽量详细的记录下来, 记录的同时 避免将 人格解体的症状 和抑郁症 恐慌症一样 与其他精神疾病的症状混淆
3. 根据需要 按时服药
对人格解体治疗较有效的专门药是没有的。 但是你要了解 专家会处方对抑郁症 恐慌症的药。如果是专家开药, 在与专家没有商议的情况下 请不要中断服药 并且服用抗恐慌药和抗抑郁药的时候 避免饮酒 或使用其他药物, 最后请注意绝对不要过多的服用处方上的药物剂量。
1. 由于人格集体非现实感障碍的症状 虽感到痛苦, 但必须记得 这些症状 并没有危险性。 事实上 人格解体非现实感障碍的症状 在失眠和恐慌症产生时 经常出现的症状。
2. 人格集体非现实感症状会因为错误的呼吸方法而导致“过度换气综合征”而产生,但是过度换气综合征 需要过多的氧气。
1. 平时呼吸是否急促?
2. 平时呼吸时呼吸是否较浅?