The treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder is to change perception of the traumatic event or go through re-experience to alleviate the upcoming symptoms. In addition, symptom relief through medication is also an option.
Cognitive therapy is the most effective treatment. This method helps you to think through the trauma, how a person with post-traumatic stress disorder understands the trauma, and to change the thinking that causes the subject’s anxiety and other symptoms.
For example, even if after a car accident while driving, some people may experience slight anxiety symptoms for about two to three weeks and then start driving again. However, one can experience post-traumatic stress disorder of being in fear of driving again or riding a car, and reemergence symptoms involving car related accident for 2-3 months. In this case, the thoughts of the patient(eg. most drivers are high risk of accidents as they are careless and impulsive. I will not be able to avoid the accident. I will die in a car accident, etc.) must be identified and change it to more rational thoughts(eg. some drivers are careless and impulsive, but most drivers are driving carefully. I can avoid the risk of accidents because I drive defensively. I am more likely to get in accident when I tired or when its raninng/snowing, but I can use public transport during those days to be safe. I am very unlikely to die from a car accident, etc.).
Sometimes, we can be in self-regrets about things that were beyond our control. For example, if your family is robbed and your property is taken away because of a burglary, you may be regretful because you were not at home and may suffer from severe post-traumatic stress disorder. Cognitive therapy allows you to understand that it was not your fault and to cope with feelings of anger, fear and guilt you are experiencing.
Exposure therapy is a technique that changes the fear of thinking, feeling and situation related to trauma through repetitive exposure experiences. By repeatedly talking to the therapist about the accident, you can gradually control the negative feelings and thoughts about the accident. In other words, it can be very disturbing to remember or talk about memories of an accident, but as the treatment process continues, this anxiety is eased and the overwhelming experience is reduced.
Exposure therapy is largely divided into two methods: one starting with a very low level of anxiety and then dealing with increasingly anxious trauma experiences, and another starting with a very high level of anxiety situation such as a flood to gradually make the patient familiarized to pain. What is important in this process is not only to deal with uneasiness, but also to simultaneously practice relaxation exercises that alleviate the unpleasant feelings, so that the trauma experiences exposed in the treatment process become less fearful, less anxious, and eventually overcoming it.
Although there is no drug to treat all symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, medication is developed according to different symptoms the patient experiences, helping symptom relief and effective treatment. Especially, antidepressant drugs for selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) are effective for controlling symptoms such as anxiety, fear and impulsive tendency in post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-traumatic stress disorder causes serious pain and symptoms for a few months to several years after the accident. In severe cases, it requires hospitalization. However, in the end, it is a problem that needs to be overcome through outpatient treatment and counseling, so the support of family members and friends is very important.
It takes a certain period of time to recover from the trauma, so people around the patient should be persistent and wait for the recovery.
创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) 是指个体经历、目睹或遭遇到一个或多个涉及自身或他人的实际死亡,或受到死亡的威胁,或严重的受伤,或身体遭受威胁后,产生恐惧以及仿佛重新经历同样事件以及产生相同的痛苦,同时为了从痛苦中解脱而耗尽精力的精神障碍。比较代表性的原因有暴露于外伤事件、战争或争斗,例如儿童期的性虐待或身体虐待,恐怖事件,性或者身体的攻击,交通事故等严重的事故, 又例如像火灾、台风、洪水等自然灾害。
创伤后应激障碍的治疗一般针对创伤事件的想法的修正或者对创伤事件的重新经历来缓解症状。 药物治疗对于缓解患者的症状、加强心理治疗的效果是肯定的。
虽然没有治疗所有创伤后应激障碍症状的药物,但是根据症状的不同,现有不同的药物可以帮助缓解症状达到治疗的效果。尤其是选择性5羟色胺再吸收抑制剂(SSRI, Selective Serotonin Reputake Inhibitor)类别的抗抑郁药物对创伤后应激障碍中的焦虑、恐惧、冲动倾向等症状的缓解有着治疗效果,而且相对的副作用也比较小,被广泛运用。