Abandon the desire to do many things at once and use the policy of a '10 minutes' limitation'. The decision to finish something in one place causes you to get tired and to put off things. Once you set up a time limit of doing something for 10 minutes, work hard during that time. Then decide whether to continue it or not.
1. 现在马上开始。
If you wait for a perfect preparation, plenty of time, or clean surroundings, your energy will be used up and you will be exhausted or will have other things to do or will not have enough time left. Even if there is something you are not satisfied with, once it's time to do it, do it.
2. 放弃对完美无缺的环境的幻想。
Because the assignments you are facing are huge and burdensome; and seem to require a lot of time at once, you cannot get those started. Split those into parts that you are capable of understanding. You can easily get the assignment done, no matter how big it is, if you begin with its smallest part and continue it from there.
3. 把作业分开来。
The power of deadline is enormous to the procrastinators. It is important to set your own specific deadline. When the assignment is completed, it is helpful to make it known to yourself and others.
4. 定属于我自己的最后期限。
In general, people tend to underestimate the time to be spent on a task, and this tendency is a particular issue to those who postpone. Therefore, you should practice allocating the time required for completion of the task from the beginning, and have a chance to compare the estimated time to the time actually spent.
5. 对消耗时间的准确预测。
It is important to set a priority and to do more important and urgent work first. However, in most cases, things that are usually delayed are not urgent or fun, but important. So it is important to make such things interesting and do them.
6. 了解事情的优先排位。
By writing down and checking out what you need to do on a daily basis, you can avoid the situations in which you miss on the things to do and let them pass unnoticed; you can organize your day's schedule (in your head) in the morning and close the day before you go to bed.
7. 写计划。
Rather than falling into trouble and blaming yourself after executing a huge goal offhandedly, split it into small ones and achieve them to feel the joy of success yourself and have the optimistic' attitude.
8. 通过反复小的成功经验给予成就的喜悦。
Everyone has the habit of procrastinating to some degree. Do not blame but forgive yourself the moment you put off. It is a waste of time to blame yourself at the moment. The important thing is whether you can start it again now.
9. 在拖延的瞬间不要指责自己。
Even if it is not perfect, it is better to try it than never doing it. Getting it started first and complementing it later makes it easier to achieve success.
10. 要醒悟作业不可能完美,也没有完美的必要。