There’s no general criterion for judging the value of a human being; he makes all kinds of mistakes and has weaknesses. Therefore, admit that you make mistakes and have flaws, and accept yourself as you are.
1. 节制使用无能,没有价值,傻瓜,失败者,笨蛋,无魅力,没有用,等否定自己的语言。
A man is not stupid because he did a stupid thing. He is not a bad person because he did a bad thing. Try to improve your action but do not call your personality into question.
2. 将行动和人格分开看。
Do not be too fussy about praising yourself. Praise yourself at least once a day. Praise yourself for what you've accomplished today.
3. 表扬自己做的好的事情。
不要吝啬表扬自己的行为。一天最少一次要表扬自己。对于今天一天做的事情,要表扬自己。 即使没有什么值得表扬自己的事情的话,也要对于费心努力的自己给予表扬。
Examine what mistakes and flaws you can throw away or think about how to improve them in detail. In this way gradually turn your weaknesses into strengths.
4. 列举到现在为止拒绝自己贬低自己的理由。
They should not necessarily be your own excellent characteristics. Read the list of your strengths every day and when you think about something new, add it to the list.
5. 最少列举10项自身的优点和能力。