Tips on reducing presentation anxiety
Reducing anxiety : Relaxation training
1. Focusing on your breathing
Nervous conditions and relaxed states cannot coexist. Stable breathing can help you relax your body. Breathing through the nose as much as possible, but when it is uncomfortable, breath however makes you comfortable. Practice this at least twice a day for 5 minutes each time.
- Loosen the clothes as much as possible and be in a comfortable position.
- Focus on your breathing for a few seconds in a comfortable position.
- When you breathe out, do not move your chest, but let your belly swell down.
- Put one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. As you breathe in, feel the the stomach swelling up.
- Slowly breathe in. One, two, three.
- Stop your breath for a while.
- As you breathe out, take more time and a deep breath out.
- One, two, three, four, five, six. Feel your belly swelling down as you breathe out.
2. Counting
If you become overly anxious, you will experience a temporary space out. You can get a sense of psychological stability by checking where you are, what you can see and what you can hear.
- Say five things you can see right now.
- Say what you hear right now.
- Say three parts of your body that is making a contact. If you are sitting on a chair, say what you feel on your thighs, hips and back.
3. Relaxing your muscles
When anxiety is increased, you may naturally experience muscle reactions such as tightening muscles, increasing heart rate, and being short of breath. Muscle relaxation is a way to relax the tensed muscles to induce a sense of psychological stability. It is composed of a method of repeatedly flexing a part of the body and gradually releasing the force. When you relax your muscles, you should focus on your body sensations as much as possible.
- Take a comfortable position with comfortable clothing. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.
- Give your right hand as much power as possible and tighten your fist for 7 seconds. Slowly count down to 10 and release the tension in your hand. Unfold your fist and lower your palms. Repeat the same on your left hand.
- Bend the right elbow and apply force to tense the muscles as much as possible. Slowly count down to 10 and remove the tension. Repeat the same on your left elbow.
- Lift your right leg and point your toes as much as you can to stretch your muscles. Slowly release the muscle for 10 seconds. Repeat the same for your left leg.
- Bring your thighs together, lift the legs, and apply the maximum force for 7 seconds. And slowly count to 10, relaxing the muscles. You can feel that both legs becoming very heavy. Focus on the relaxed feeling as tensions disappear.
- Tuck your belly in and hold for 7 seconds, focusing on your belly. Now slowly relax your belly for 10 seconds and focus on your belly getting warm.
- Take a deep breathe in, expanding your chest. Hold your breath for 7 seconds. Focus on the tension on your chest and back. Gently breathe out counting to 10.
- Lift both shoulders up and stay there for 7 seconds. Release the tension counting to 10. Feel the shoulders and nape of the upper back being relaxed.
- Pull your chin firmly toward your next and count to 7. Release the tension counting to 10.
- Try to flex your facial muscles. Close your lips and eyes tightly. Naturally wrinkle your forehead. Hold it for 7 seconds and release it counting to 10.
- Close your eyes and feel a little more relaxed. Slowly breathe in and out, focusing on the breath. If you feel any tension, relax it.
4. Butterfly Hug
Tension and anxiety can be reduced by bilaterally stimulating your body. If it is difficult to pat your shoulders, you can use your palm to pat your knees, or stamp your both feet in turns.
- Cross your arms in front of your chest, placing your right hand on your left shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder.
- Close your eyes and tap your shoulders alternately with both palms.
- Repeat for 12 to 20 times.
5. Safe place
You can reduce tension and anxiety by imagining a safe place.
- Close your eyes and relieve your body's tension through abdominal respiration.
- Imagine a place where you feel most safe and comfortable.
- Look around the place slowly. Look to your sides, back and observe what you see.
- Listen to the sounds. Focus on what sounds you hear.
- Smell what the place smells like.
- Take a comfortable position. Try to breathe slowly while maintaining that posture.
- Stay until you feel comfortable and then open your eyes.
6. The container
When you cannot concentrate on the tasks you need to do right now as you are reminiscent of your worst presentation or in fear of mistakes in the upcoming presentation, it can be helpful to stop and pause for a while.
- Close your eyes and try to imagine a box in your head.
- Look at the size, shape and color of the box.
- Open the box and put thoughts and memories that are now harassing you in the box.
- Close the box. You can use tapes or ropes to seal the box.
- Recall where you want to keep the box.
Preparing for presentation
1. Clarifying purpose of the presentation
Prior to preparing the presentation, the purpose of the presentation must be clarified. Depending on whether it is to provide information, or to persuade or educate the other party, the composition and method of presentation change.
2. Knowing your audience
If you know your audience, you can prepare a more specific presentation. For example, you may want to know how many people will be in the audience, demographics of your audience (age, gender, occupation, etc.), whether they are a voluntary or involuntary audience, what they expect from the presentation, The more information you have about your audience, such as what they want to get out of the presentation, you can prepare a customized presentation.
3. Structuring your presentation
Presentations can be organized in order of introduction, main body and conclusion. The introductory section should explain the outline so that the audience knows what to expect. The main body of this presentation covers the major contents. The conclusion is to emphasize why this presentation is important, share conclusions, and provide a brief summary. In addition, if you do not need difficult or overly specialized terms, it's a good idea to use an everyday vocabulary for your presentation.
4. Clarifying key content
Clearly summarize the key points to convey when presenting. It is a good idea to make the presentation clear and simple. Focus on the core content you want to convey so your audience can better understand the presentation.
5. Inducing interest
It is also important for the audience to be interested in the presentation. Particularly in the introductory section, it is helpful to stimulate the interest of the audience by using interesting episodes or visual materials related to the topic. In addition, presenting images and visual materials appropriate for the contents can enhance the attention of the audience. You can also invite your audience to the presentation by having questions or asking them to participate in some activities during the presentation.
6. Utilizing multimedia
Before you start your presentation, you can briefly listen to a piece of music or watch a video related to the presentation so that your audience can be immersed in the presentation. It also helps to utilize audiovisual material when the audience starts to feel bored.
7. Practicing
Practice is essential before presentation. This is especially helpful if you have someone who can give feedback. Or you can record a video of your presentation or practice in front of a mirror. If you practice several times, you can exclude unnecessary parts and focus a little more on what’s important.
- 灾难化 : 认为自己在做得事情如果失败了的话,就会发生非常可怕的后果的想法
- 对负面的评价的恐惧心理
- 对行为的后果的负面预测
- 对所处的社会环境或社会交流情况进行威胁性的解释
- 对模棱两可的事件偏向于进行否定地,负面地判断
- 过度的焦虑不安
- 恐惧
- 抑郁和伤心
- 愤怒
- 羞耻心和厌恶感
- 心跳加快,头晕
- 脸发红,出冷汗
- 肌肉疼痛,头疼或胃疼等病痛
- 心跳变慢,呼吸速度减慢减少。
- 血压降低,脸部肌肉放松。
- 新陈代谢量和吸氧量减少。
- 分析式的想法减少。
- 可以减少焦虑。
- 可以阻止压力的积累。
- 可以提高精力以及生产力。
- 可以改善记忆力以及注意集中力
- 可以减轻失眠症以及疲劳感
- 可以更好地使用自己的情绪。
- 尽量穿轻便舒服的服装,采取舒服放松的姿势。
- 用舒服的姿势花几分钟来调整呼吸。
- 吸气的时候,不用胸腔,用腹腔来吸气。
- 一手放在胸口,一手放在腹部。吸气和呼气的时候感受腹部的起伏变化。
- 慢慢地呼吸,心里默数一、二、三。
- 暂停在这样的状态一小会儿。
- 呼气的时候,最大可能地慢慢地突起,比吸气的时候更慢地更深地呼气。
- 一、二、三、四、五。呼气的时候,感受腹部变小的化。
- 现在把所在的房间里看到的东西说出5件。
- 现在把听到的声音说出来。
- 现在把自己的身体所碰触到的东西说出3件来。万一坐在椅子上的话,大腿、臀部和背部所感受的感觉说出来。
第三, 肌肉放松。
- 尽量穿著舒服方便的服装,采取舒服放松的姿势。闭上眼睛,深呼吸。
- 让右手最大限度地用力握拳7秒钟左右。慢慢地数到10为止再慢慢地放松右手,把拳头放开。然后,让左手也按照同样的步骤用力再慢慢放松。
- 右胳膊肘弯曲后用力,最大程度地使肌肉紧张。 慢慢地数到10放松右手,把手臂放下。然后让左手也按照同样的步骤用力再慢慢放松。
- 抬起右腿,挺直脚尖, 数到7, 最大程度地放松肌肉。慢慢数10秒钟放松右腿,把腿放下。然后让左腿也按照同样的步骤用力再慢慢放松。
- 将两腿紧紧贴合后抬起腿,最大程度地用力7秒。 慢慢地数到10放松右腿,把腿放下。然后让左腿也按照同样的步骤用力再慢慢放松。双腿可能会感到沉重的感觉。注意紧张消失后放松的感觉。
- 用力拉伸小肚子后,注意集中于小肚子, 停留7秒。接下来10秒慢慢放松,注意下腹变暖的感觉.
- 深吸气, 使胸部膨胀, 然后憋气, 默数到7。请注意在胸和背上感受到的紧张感。轻轻地呼气,默数到10。
- 将双肩向上提,然后保持这样的状态7秒。数到10, 慢慢放松, 感受肩膀、脖子和背部的放松。
- 把下巴用力向身体方向拉伸,脖子用力。再慢慢用10秒的时间放松。
- 试着让脸部肌肉用力。嘴唇紧闭,眼睛紧闭。眉头自然地皱起来。在这种状态停留7秒,然后用10秒慢慢地放松。
- 闭上眼睛,再深一层地感受一下放松.慢慢地吸气、呼气,把注意集中于呼吸上。如果身体还有紧张的地方的话,请放松它。
第四,Butterfly Hug
- 双臂交叉在胸前,右手放在左肩上,左手放在右肩上。
- 闭上眼睛,用两手手掌轮流拍打肩膀。
- 持续大约12-20回。
- 闭上眼睛,通过腹式呼吸缓解身体紧张。
- 想象让自己感到最安全的,最舒服的地方
- 慢慢观察那个地方。往前、往后看一看有什么。
- 这次,我们侧耳倾听一下那个地方的声音。集中听一听有什么声音。
- 在那个地方闻一下有什么味道。
- 在那个地方试着保持放松的姿态。保持放松的姿势,慢慢地呼吸。
- 一直呆到感到舒服的时候,慢慢睁开眼睛。
第六,The Container
- 闭上眼睛,在脑中想象一下有一个盒子。
- 想象一下这个盒子的大小和颜色。
- 打开箱子,把现在正在困扰你的想法和记忆都装进去。
- 把箱子盖子盖上,用胶带封起来,或者用绳子绑起来。
- 想象一下可以保管箱子的场所。
1. 明确发表的目的
在发表之前,必须明确发表的目的 。是为了向对方提供信息,还是为了说服对方或者进行教育,根据目的的不同,发表的构成、方式等也不相同。
2. 把握听众
3. 发表内容构成
4. 明确核心内容
5. 诱发兴趣
让听众对发表的内容产生兴趣也是十分重要的。特别是在前言部分,运用与发表主题有关的故事或者视频会对让听众产生兴趣上有帮助。此外,和正题部分内容相关的图片或者视频资料一起展示的话,也会让听众提高注意力。又或者,在发表的过程中向听众提问并回答问题来促进听众参与活动, 以此也可以让听众来参与发表。
6. 视听觉功能的活用
7. 练习